My Story

My Story
Welcome to my journey!

Hi Everyone,

My name is Skyler Boschen and I'm a sexual assault survivor, victim advocate, and creative writer.

Through this website, I aim to educate, inspire, and uplift people to make an impactful change in their community.

Introduction to my story

Growing up I had an amazing childhood, but what a lot of people didn't realize was the happy little girl they saw was sexually abused from ages three to eleven. I stayed silent for years until I turned 15 years old and became a victim yet again, this time of online sex abuse.

At 16 years old I testified in court against my perpetrator who sexually abused me online for 92 consecutive days. My perpetrator received jail time and I graduated a year early from high school to have a fresh start as a freshman at The University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC).

In the second semester of my freshman year, I was raped by an acquaintance in my dorm room during a party. I decided to report my perpetrator to Title IX which led to students on campus victim blaming and harassing me.

That's when COVID-19 hit and everyone was removed from the dorms, in the wake of the pandemic my perpetrator was found guilty of sexual assault by the Title IX office and suspended for a year and a half. I was stunned by the amount of victim-blaming and ridicule on campus of survivors of violent crimes.

One year after the rape I decided to organize a demonstration on campus to create awareness and show support for other survivors of sexual assault. I began a student organization and held events to end rape culture.

UMKC Demonstration 2021

My story was featured in multiple media outlets and I received many messages from survivors of sexual assault that led me to further my advocacy.

I am a Florida Atlantic University (FAU) graduate student working to get my Master's in Social Work (MSW). I advocate for survivors and speak at high schools and colleges to raise awareness.

Dear Survivors,

Remember that you're never alone and I believe you.

